
You’re bound to say some tone-deaf things to your spouse every so often ― but there are some phrases you should absolutely never say. 你一定经常唠叨一些话,但你的配偶对此置若罔闻。不过有些话最好还是不要再讲了。 We asked couple therapists to share ...

4- We gonna leave soon? ( Are we going to leave soon?) Yeah, jus’ lemme grab a bite to eat. ( Yes, Just let me grab a bite to eat.) Sure. No rush. ( Sure. Take your time.) You notice how words and sentences change when we speak them?

3. why must we learn to identify the risks we are going to take? A. To ensure we make responsible choices. B. To avoid being overwhelmed by stress. C. so that we don’t break any rules. D. so that we don’t run into trouble...

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